A new "app"tly named app Appodixi allows Greeks to report tax evasion


Cash Rewards Offered to Greeks that Report Tax Evasion

By The Pappas Post

December 30, 2022

Greek citizens that report fake receipts will be eligible for rewards of up to $2100 under a new scheme expected to be submitted to the Greek parliament soon.

People will be able to report tax-evading companies via the new Apodixi application as the Greek government aims to assist the tax audit mechanism in identifying tax-evading companies by offering a reward that will be multiple times the value of the receipt. 

According to information in the Greek press, depending on the value of the transaction, the monetary reward can reach up to 10 times the value of the receipt with a maximum limit of 1,500 to 2,000 euros (USD $1597 – $2100).

A report in Oikonomikos Taxidromos claims that since September 20, when the new measure was activated, more than 155,000 citizens have installed the Appodixi application on their mobile phones, through which they scan receipts and check their validity. 

“Complaints about suspicious transactions have so far reached 73,834, of which 32,789 are named, and 41,045 are anonymous. Most of the complaints concern receipts that have been issued by a registered cash register but had not yet been transmitted to the AADE electronic system,” the article claims.

It goes on to say that the application is proving to be the Greek Independent Public Revenue Authority – AADE’s best ally in the hunt against tax evasion, as it brings to light the tricks businesses and professionals use to hide their real income.