
New Hellenic Film Society Kicks Off in New York City

By Gregory Pappas

April 29, 2018

A new movement to bring Greek film to New York City theaters was launched on Friday evening with a sold out showing of the Greek film “Jamaica.”

Launched by James Demetro, the former head of the New York City Greek Film Festival for more than a decade, the Hellenic Film Society aims to share the richness of Greek cinema with a broader American audience.

The inaugural Hellenic Film Expo features a variety of films showing on screens in Manhattan, Long Island and Astoria, New York– but the new organization isn’t stopping here.

In addition to screenings of Greek films in New York City and around the country, the organization hopes to have an impact in the investment in the making of Greek films, helping Greek filmmakers get US distribution, archival presentation of films, and the restoration and archiving of classic Greek films.

Tickets for the remaining films can be purchased here.


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