
Tsipras to May: Parthenon Marbles Belong at the Parthenon

By Gregory Pappas

June 26, 2018

During his official visit to the United Kingdom, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras met with his British counterpart, Theresa May, with whom he spoke of a number of bilateral issues between the two countries.

May Tweeted a photo with Tsipras from the official account of the UK Prime Minister and a statement that the “Friendship between UK and Greece goes back centuries and is stronger today than it ever has been.”

"Friendship between UK and Greece goes back centuries and is stronger today than it ever has been." – PM @Theresa_May welcoming Greek PM @tsipras_eu to Downing Street for the first time.

— UK Prime Minister (@10DowningStreet) June 26, 2018

Tsipras also brought up the issue of the repatriation of the Parthenon Marbles, currently held by the British Museum in London.

Tsipras told May, according to his own disclosure to the media after his meeting, that it was an moral issue and that the “natural location” of the marble statues was the Parthenon.

He called the marbles part of the world’s heritage, but reiterated that their rightful location where they should be was in Athens, at the spot where the Ancient Greeks built and adorned the ancient temple of the Parthenon.

Watch Greek Prime Minister’s full statement (in Greek) here:


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