Good Riddance Gigi: My Open Letter to Gigi Hadid Who Got Robbed in Greece

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Gregory Pappas

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Good Riddance Gigi: My Open Letter to Gigi Hadid Who Got Robbed in Greece

A supermodel with millions of Instagram followers named Gigi Hadid was robbed in Mykonos. Although details haven’t emerged, what we do know is that the villa she was renting was ransacked while she and her sisters were out.

Hadid, whose father Mohamed is a multi-millionaire businessman, has a successful career in modeling and has amassed nearly 50 million followers on her official Instagram account — @gigihadid.

On her second Instagram account that she uses for photography — @gisposable — she posted a message that said “Got robbed. Never going back lol. Wouldn’t recommend. Spend your money elsewhere.”

I’ve been going to Mykonos for almost four decades and I have a response for Gigi. 

Dear Gigi—

Good Riddance.

You’re the kind of “celebrity” that has ruined this special island in the first place. And I’m glad you won’t be coming back. And I hope others like you heed your words and stay away.

Decades ago, beautiful people from all walks of life (and much more famous than you) came to Mykonos to escape the hordes and walk the streets of Hora barefoot, lay naked on the sandy beaches and swim the crystal clear waters without the paparazzi that people like you attract (and even brought with you).

Elizabeth Taylor once said that Mykonos was the only place in the world she could let her hair down and not worry about any judgement.

They didn’t come to broadcast and flaunt their asses and boobs for all of the world to see.

And although you’re not the only reason Mykonos has gone to hell lately— there are many reasons the island has lost its charm and lost its way— people like you are part of the reason.

Of course, I’m sorry you got robbed.

People are robbed every day in my hometown of New York City, in Miami, in Paris, and all over the world. And you should be justifiably angry at the people who robbed you (even though you laughed out loud when letting us know that you were robbed— seriously, what was the “lol” all about?)

But people like you with a large social media following should be careful of their words— telling people not to visit Mykonos because you were robbed. 

Because such words have real life ramifications on the people who didn’t rob you— the average kids who are slaving away trying to make an honest living, as well as the countless family businesses that rely on tourism for a few months to get by the entire year.

But I’m not here to lecture you— After all, how can I lecture a spoiled, daughter of a billionaire daddy who’s had everything handed to her all her life?

I am here to say good riddance, on behalf of a lot of the “old guard”’of the island who have been visiting long before you were even born. 

Unlike you, we are people who care about this land and respect it— and who have watched its demise for years, as people like you who only came to collect your millions for your “celebrity appearances” and flaunt your body all over the internet.

So once again, dear beautiful, Gigi… I for one am glad to see you go. 

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