New Romantic Comedy Set on Cyprus Premiering on Netflix July 19

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Gregory Pappas

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New Romantic Comedy Set on Cyprus Premiering on Netflix July 19

Coming off a flop album and his hit songs’ dwindling popularity, aging rock star John Allman (played by Harry Connick Jr.) decides to take a break from his career to reclaim his spark.

With the stunning backdrop of her native island and its larger than life characters, writer/director Stelana Kliris weaves a beautiful story about the washed-out rock star trying to get his mojo back.

In “Find Me Falling,” he moves to an isolated cliffside home on the idyllic Mediterranean island but his dream of keeping a low profile is derailed when he is routinely confronted by desperate souls and later faced with even more complicated surprises.

“This film is a love letter to Cyprus, and I hope that it transports audiences and gives them a little bit of magical escapism,” she says. “Plus, there was nothing better than walking out on set on a cliff overlooking the endless blue horizon of the Mediterranean Sea. You can’t ask for a better ‘view from the office!’ ”

“This is a love story about many kinds of love: romantic, family, lifelong dreams, and what you’re willing to sacrifice for the people or the things you love,” Kliris says in an interview with Netflix. “John essentially has to decide whether the love of his life is his music or the woman he left behind.”

Find Me Falling hits Netflix on July 19. Kliris has a few promises. “This movie will feel like a vacation,” she says. And one more thing: “Harry Connick Jr. has a few new songs for you … in more than one language.”

Watch the official trailer of Find Me Falling, released by Netflix


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